..And Two Hours Later I Was Still Shaking.

Tuesday, January 20, 2009 | |

So apparently these didn't crop online quite how i had them for printing...
12:30am this morning Katy Pritchett and Jordan ..i'm gonna butcher this.. Jaquess arrived at my home where i and four Profoto Acute2's were hangin out waiting.

(That's a lie really... i wasn't at all ready when they arrived even though they were at least an hour later than planned)

We get there and its roughly 12 degrees outside -- Fahrenheit.
Within the first twenty minutes of just planning and setting up lights, my hands go completely numb and remain that way through the remainder of the shoot.
Needless to say my first errand after class today was a fresh pair of suitable gloves.
We worked on this shoot for roughly... an hour.. maybe two.
The cold finally got to us and we decided to call it a night, i would say it was rather successful regardless of the harsh conditions.

However, arriving home i quickly hopped into my bed in order to bring back to life the vital tools that are my hands, and to heal this wicked shiver that i had caught while out on the job.
Two hours later of shaking and aching and phone talking to keep myself awake and conscious... life returned to my hands and i was able to sleep.

So down to business:
This was shot in a dingy part of a local.... water facility.
Gas mask provided by Jordan,
Suit provided by Calvin Klein and my bank account.
Lighting was all harsh parabolic with a dragged shutter to bring out the ambient like in the back.