
Wednesday, March 4, 2009 | |

Dead-list happens when one does not return school equipment on time the following day -- no excuses. And it just so happens that i was snowed into Virginia, of all places, this past monday WITH school equipment. Dead list.
This means i am unable to use any and all school equipment for a week, in this case March 9th.
That's a bummer.
So now that i have all this free time on my hands.. i've been copyrighting my work and catching up on some video games -- when i'm not modeling for the work everyone else is getting done, because they are not dead-listed.

These are product shots i had done about two weeks ago.
The product was shot on a completely white backdrop and the patterns and shadows were added manually.



Pelt Family said...

Interesting, Dean's List in any other school would be a good thing? In fact you could brag to your family that you made the dean's list and they would be so proud.

BobbyO said...

jason, thats DEAD list.

jlo: the tie shot looks great.

Pelt Family said...

Wow it is Dead-List, well that doesn't sound as good.

Joshua Lopez said...

at least you're reading!