Love Language...

Saturday, March 14, 2009 | |

So i landed in Raleigh, North Carolina today to Alicia Farrow's bright and shiny face as she awaited my arrival in the Raleigh/Durham Airport baggage claim :)
She's a rather cool kid that also happens to attend UNCW located in Wilmington, North Carolina -- a fun-in-the-sun kind of town, until i show up.
After the long, rainy two-hour drive to Wilmington, we are rather tired and sluggish but to stay home on a friday night is socially unheard of. So we're going to the Soapbox tonight to listen to some hip indie bands i've never heard of. One happens to be named Love Language and the other Vetiver.

Ali has an entertaining musical taste, so this will be fun no matter what.
The photo is my first photograph with my new setup. Its nothing advanced, its simply a ginormous 30"x60" softbox on my new b1600 but i'm already in love.